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Bearing area. Area through which a bearing load is transmitted. Diameter of bearing hole multiplied by thickness of specimen is area used to compute bearing stress.


Bearing load. Compressive load transmitted to a structural member through area of contact (bearing area).


Bearing stiffness.Slope of the tangent at any point on the stress-strain diagram plotted from data obtained in test for bearing strength. (ASTM D-953, plastics and ASTM E-238, metals). Gives an indication of the behavior of materials subjected to edge-wise loads such as applied through mechanical fasteners. Strain used to determine bearing stiffness is defined as % deformation of bearing hole through which the load is applied.

轴承刚度。根据轴承强度试验中所得数据而绘制的应力应变图上任意点的切线斜率。(ASTM D-953(塑料)和ASTM E-238(金属))。给出了材料受到诸如机械紧固件施加的侧向负荷的性能的指示。其中,用于确定轴承刚度的应变是指施加负荷时轴承孔的变形百分比。

Bearing strength. Measure of maximum usable bearing stress that can be developed in a material. Equal to the stress that corresponds to the point on the bearing stress-strain diagram where the slope of the curve equals the stress divided by a strain of 4%. A standard procedure for determining bearing strength is given in ASTM D-953 (plastics) and ASTM E-238 (metals). While it is known that materials with higher compressive and tensile strengths have higher bearing strengths, there is no widely accepted method for estimating bearing strength from compression or tensile properties.

轴承强度。材料中可产生的最大可用承载应力的度量。它等于轴承应力应变图上与点相对应的应力,其中曲线的斜率等于应力除以应变的4%。ASTM D-953(塑料)和ASTM E-238(金属)中给出了测定轴承强度的标准程序。虽然我们已了解,具有较高抗压强度和抗拉强度的材料具有更高的承载强度,但目前尚未有一种用于由压缩或拉伸性能来估算承载强度的被广泛接受的方法。

Bearing stress. Bearing load applied to a material divided by original bearing area. In the bearing strength test (ASTM D-593 for plastics, ASTM E-238 for metals) a rectangular specimen is loaded in tension or compression by a pin or rod passing through a bearing hole. Bearing stress and bearing strain are recorded as bearing load is increased and are plotted to form a stress strain diagram. Maximum bearing stress is equal to load at rupture divided by original bearing area.

轴承应力。施加到材料上的轴承负荷除以原始轴承面积。于轴承强度测试中(ASTM D-953(塑料)和ASTM E-238(金属)),一个矩形试样由销钉或杆穿过轴承孔以施加张力或压力。随着负荷的增加,请随时记录轴承的应力和应变,并绘制成应力应变图。其中,最大轴承应力等于断裂时的负荷除以原始轴承面积。

Bend test. Method for measuring ductility of certain materials. There are no standardized terms for reporting bend test results for broad classes of materials; rather, terms associated with bend tests apply to specific forms or types of materials. For example, materials specifications sometimes require that a specimen be bent to a specified inside diameter (ASTM A-360, steel products). Results of bend test of welds are given as fiber elongation (ASTM E-16). And results of tests of fiberboard are reported by a description of the failure or photographs. (ASTM D-1037).

弯曲试验。用于测量某些材料延展性的方法。对于各种材料的弯曲试验结果报告,并无标准化术语;相反,与弯曲试验相关的术语同样适用于特定形式或类型的材料。例如,材料规格有时要求试样弯曲至指定的内径(ASTM A -360,钢材)。此处,给出了焊缝弯曲试验的结果,以作为纤维伸长率(ASTM E-16)。并通过故障描述或照片以报告纤维板的测试结果。(ASTM D-1037)。

Bending strength. Alternate term for flexural strength. It is most commonly used to describe flexure properties of cast iron and wood products.


Bond strength. Stress (tensile load divided by area of bond) required to rupture a bond formed by an adhesive between two metal blocks. (ASTM D-952).

粘合强度。两个金属块之间由粘合剂形成的连接断裂位置所需的应力(拉伸负荷除以粘合面积)。(ASTM D-952)。

Breaking load. Load which causes fracture in a tension, compression, flexure or torsion test. In tension tests of textiles and yarns, breaking load also is called breaking strength. In tensile tests of thin sheet materials or materials in form of small diameter wire it is difficult to distinguish between breaking load and the maximum load developed so the latter is considered the breaking load.


Breaking strength. Tensile load or force required to rupture textiles (e.g., fibers, yarn) or leather. It is analogous to breaking load in a tension test. Ordinarily, breaking strength is reported as lb or lb/in. of width for sheet specimens.


Brinell hardness number (BHN). Measure of the indentation hardness of metals, calculated from the diameter of the permanent impression made by a ball indentor of a specified size pressed into the material by a specified force. BHN increases with increasing indentation hardness. A standard test for determining BHN is given in ASTM E-10.

布氏硬度值(BHN)。金属压痕硬度的测量方法,它由指定尺寸的球形压痕器施加指定力以压入材料而获得的永久压痕的直径计算得出。BHN随压痕硬度的增加而增大。ASTM E-10给出了测定BHN的标准试验。

Conversion tables that relate BHN to diamond pyramid hardness, Rockwell hardness and Rockwell superficial hardness are published in ASTM E-140. BHN test is particularly useful where deep penetration is required to avoid surface effects or where a large impression is required to avoid errors due to in homogeneity of material. It is not used for thin sections or very hard materials.

BHN与钻石棱锥硬度、洛氏硬度和洛氏表面硬度的换算表已发布于ASTM E-140中。BHN试验对于需要深度穿透以避免表面效应或需要较大压痕以避免因材料均匀性造成的误差时尤为有用。然而,它不适用于薄片或极硬的材料。

Brittle fracture. Failure or rupture of a material with little or no plastic flow or deformation of a metal’s crystal lattice. Usually this type of failure is associated with impact loads. However, many materials at low temperatures also show brittle fracture failures under static loads. Two common methods for determining resistance to brittle fracture are the Izod and Charpy impact tests. (ASTM E-23).

脆性断裂。金属晶格发生少量或无塑性流动或变形时,材料的失效或断裂。通常,该类型的故障与冲击负荷有关。然而,许多材料于低温环境下并在静负荷作用下也会出现脆性断裂。其中,用于测定脆性断裂抗力的两种常用方法是伊佐德冲击试验和夏比冲击试验。(ASTM E-23)。

Brittleness temperature. Temperature at which plastics and elastomers exhibit brittle failure under impact conditions specified in ASTM D 746. Brittleness temperature often is used as part of specifications for plastics or elastomers, but is not considered an accurate measure of materials lowest use temperature. A test for determining brittleness temperature of plastic film is given in ASTM D-1790.

脆性温度。根据ASTM D 746规定的冲击条件,塑料和弹性体表现出脆性失效的温度。脆性温度通常作为塑料或弹性体的规格的一部分,但无法准确测量材料的最低使用温度。ASTM D-1790给出了测定塑料薄膜脆性温度的试验。

Bulk modulus of elasticity. Ratio of stress to change in volume of a material subjected to axial loading. Related to modulus of elasticity (E) and Poisson’s ration (r) by the following equation: K=Er/3(1-2r).


Bursting strength. Measure of ability of materials in various forms to withstand hydrostatic pressure. For round rigid plastic tubing it usually is reported as internal fluid pressure required to produce rupture (ASTM D-1180). For coated fabrics it is reported as force required to rupture a diaphragm divided by its area. (ASTM D-751).

爆破强度。测量各种形式材料承受静水压力的能力。对于圆形硬质塑料管,通常记录为产生断裂所需的内部流体压力(ASTM D-1180)。而对于涂层织物,记录为打破隔膜所需的力除以其面积。(ASTM D- 751)。

Tinius Olsen天氏欧森材料测试学院
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