Kink test. Method for determining ductility of metal wire. A short section of wire is looped and drawn in tension to produce a kink. Relative ductility is indicated by the occurrence or non-occurrence of failure and extent to which kink may be opened up without failure.
扭结试验。是指金属丝韧性的测定方法。该试验是把一小段金属丝打圈并拉紧以产生扭结。 相对韧性是由失效的发生与否以及可以打开而未失效的扭折程度来表示。
Knoop hardness number. Measure of indentation hardness of a material (especially an organic coating) measured with a pyramidical diamond indentor of prescribed dimensions. (ASTM D-1474).
努氏硬度值。是指采用规定尺寸的金字塔形金刚石压痕器测量材料(尤指有机涂层)的压痕硬度。(ASTM D - 1474)。
Knot strength. Tenacity of a fiber in which an overhand knot is tied. Knot strength is a measure of a fiber’s sensitivity to compressive and shear stresses.